Acupuncture is one of the many skills used within physiotherapy as an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation and as a means of stimulating the body’s own healing chemicals in order to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation.
Acupuncture within physiotherapy is used against the background of clinical and research evidence. The concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM] is an ancient system of written scripts as far back as 1000BC, founded on the holistic concept of treatment and an acknowledgement of the body’s ability to return to its balanced state of health, given the correct stimulus to do so.
Following assessment and discussion, your physiotherapist may offer you a course of acupuncture to treat a musculoskeletal problem such as chronic pain, joint pain, migraines or recurrent headaches. Acupuncture is based on the theory that fine needles inserted into the skin stimulate sensory nerves and result in the release of natural pain-relieving endorphins.